Many of us in the permaculture and organic movements have read Japanese farmer Masanobu Fukuoka’s One Straw Revolution, which lays out his ingenious (though hard to replicate) no-till organic rice production system. I was surprised and pleased when, in my job as librarian for the New England Small Farm Institute in the late 1990s, I stumbled on his Natural Way of Farming, a translation of his 1976 book Shizen Noho. At that time he had already been running his orchard as an organic polyculture food forest for over three decades – since the 1940s! Natural Way of Farming offers much detail about Fukuoka’s methods of grain, vegetable, and fruit production. It was a major inspiration to me as I worked on writing Edible Forest Gardens.
Fukuoka’s food forest (he refers to it his orchard) is a fantastic example of a warm temperate/subtropical food forest featuring multiple layers, abundant nitrogen-fixers, a diversity of fruits, nuts, and perennial vegetables, with sophisticated use of self-sown and broadcast annual crops. There is much for us to learn from his lifetime of experimentation in his humid, warm-temperate to subtropical climate. This is a good-sized operation, covering ten or more acres. In the 1980s Fukuoka was shipping 200,000 pounds (about 90 metric tons) of citrus annually from 800 citrus trees.[i]
The book is full of fantastic color photos of his no-till grain, vegetable, and food forest systems. I don’t have rights to them, so get a copy of the book and check them out! Used copies of several editions are available online.

Food Forest Design
Fukuoka recommends diverse polycultures, starting with mixing deciduous and evergreen fruits. “Never forget to plant green manure trees[ii]”. Fukuoka’s nitrogen fixing trees include acacias, alders, autumn olive, wax myrtle (Myrica) and podocarpus. He advocated maintaining a productive and diverse understory. “Using the open space in an orchard to raise an undergrowth of special-purpose crops and vegetables is the very picture of nature.[iii]” “A natural orchard in which full, three-dimensional use of space is made in this way is entirely different from conventional orchards that employ high-production techniques. For the individual wishing to live in communion with nature, this is truly a paradise on earth.[iv]”
Food Forest Establishment
“When starting an orchard, the main goals initially should be prevention of weed emergence and maturation of the soil[v].”(144) Fukuoka also advocates for terracing and the use of contour berm-and-basin systems (known as contour swales to many of us in permaculture).
Fukuoka set out his orchard in forest land he had recently cleared. Trunks and branches from land clearing were laid out in windrows on contour – like the hugelculture technique popular in permaculture today. “To establish a natural orchard, one should dig large holes here and there among the stumps of felled trees and plant unpruned saplings and fruit seed over the site, leaving these unattended just as one would leave alone a reforested stand of trees[vi].” Resprouting stumps and weeds were cut or coppiced with a sickle.
He offers some sophisticated ecosystem mimicry advice, listing weed crops by family and replacement crops in the same family. For instance, wild morning glories might indicate planting of sweet potato. Fukuoka advocates a minimal pruning strategy (see below). At establishment, he aims to set up the tree for a lifetime of minimal pruning by establishing a form like its wild character. After 5-6 years, Fukuoka came in and built terraces uphill from each tree row. Then he transitioned the understory to ladino (white) clover (Trifolium repens).
Food Forest Understory
“What helps to rehabilitate depleted soil? I planted the seeds of thirty legumes, crucifers, and grasses throughout my orchard and from observations of these came to the general conclusion that I should grow a weed cover using ladino clover as the primary crop and such herbs as alfalfa, lupine, and bur clover as the secondary crops. To condition the deeper strata in the hard, depleted soil, I companion-planted fertilizer trees such as black wattle, myrtle, and podocarpus.[vii](188)” Fukuoka found that ladino clover would fully suppress weeds within 2-3 years, and would not need to be reseeded for 6-8 years. Drawbacks included less shade tolerance than he wanted, and the requirement for regular mowing. In winter he sowed brassica vegetables, and in summer legume vegetables and millets. Perennial vegetables were introduced and annual crops seed broadcast, with some annuals allowed to reseed themselves, producing strong-flavored feral offspring.

Table: Fukuoka’s Companion Crops
Adapted from table on page 144, Natural Way of Farming.
Crop Type | Sample Crops | Understory |
Evergreen Fruit Trees | Citrus, loquat | Fuki (Petasites), buckwheat |
Deciduous Fruit Trees | Walnut, persimmon, peach, plum, cherry, apricot, apple, pear | Devil’s tongue (probably an aroid), lilies, ginger, buckwheat |
Fruit vines | Grape, kiwi, akebia | Millets |
Nitrogen fixing trees | Acacia, wax myrtle, alder | Green manures*, vegetables |
Table: Fukuoka’s Green Manure Crops
Annual crops (mostly) broadcast seasonally. Adapted from page 144, Natural Way of Farming.
Crop | Spring | Summer | Winter |
Ladino clover, alfalfa | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Bur clover | Yes | ||
Mustard family vegetables | Yes | ||
Lupines, vetches | Yes | ||
Soybeans, peanuts, adzuki beans, mung beans, cowpeas | Yes |
Black wattle trees (Acacia mearnsii) were his favorite nitrogen fixer as they were evergreen and grew to the size of a telephone pole in 7-8 years. At this point he cut down the wattles and buried them in trenches (more hugelculture). The wattle trees, fast-growing and evergreen, always served as a home for aphids and scales, and as a home to their predators like ladybugs, which provided pest control through the food forest. He ran poultry and other livestock in the orchard understory once it was established.

Fukuoka has a lot to say about pruning in Natural Way of Farming. He sought minimal pruning styles to allow his fruit and nut trees to grow as close as possible to their natural shape. To this end he grew many seedlings of citrus and other species to observe their natural form. Almost half of the trees he inherited from his father died in his quest for a low-maintenance, natural pruning regime, about 400 trees!
Fukuoka’s Food Forest Today
Masanobu Fukuoka died in 2008 at the age of 95. Today his children and grandchildren maintain the farm, including the food forest area. Citrus and ginkgo are thriving, and mango, avocado, and feijoa have been added. Shiitakes are cultivated in the understory on logs. Wild vegetables still grow beneath the orchard in some areas[viii].

Species in Fukuoka’s Food Forest
I’ve done my best to extrapolate from the translated common names in Natural Way of Farming. Some were nailed down with assistance from my Yama-Kei Pocket Guide to wild edibles of Japan. Surely there were many, many more which did not make it into the books, but this is a pretty good start.
Latin Name | Common Name | Uses | Functions |
Acacia mearnsii | Black wattle | Nitrogen fixer | |
Alnus japonica | Japanese alder | Nitrogen fixer | |
Castanea spp. | Chestnut | Nuts | |
Ginkgo biloba | Ginkgo | Nuts, medicinal | |
Juglans spp. | Walnut | Nuts |

Latin Name | Common Name | Uses | Functions |
Amygdalus communis | Apricot | Fruit | |
Aralia elata | Japanese angelica tree | Shoots and young leaves | |
Citrus maxima | Shaddock, pummelo | Fruit | |
Citrus reticulata | Mandarin orange | Fruit | |
Citrus x. sinensis | Orange | Fruit | |
Cydonia oblonga | Quince | Fruit | |
Eriobotrya japonica | loquat | Fruit | |
Malus domestica | Apple | Fruit | |
Prunus avium | cherry | Fruit | |
Prunus persica | Peach | Fruit | |
Prunus salicina | Plum | Fruit | |
Pyrus spp. | Pear | Fruit | |
Zizyphus jujuba | Jujube | Fruit |

Latin Name | Common Name | Uses | Functions |
Eleagnus umbellata | Oleaster, autumn olive | Fruits | Nitrogen fixation |
Ficus carica | Fig | Fruit | |
Fortunella japonica | Kumquat | Fruit | |
Myrica rubra | Wax myrtle, yumberry | Fruits | Nitrogen fixation |
Podocarpus spp. | Podocarpus | Nitrogen fixation | |
Punica granatum | Pomegranate | Fruit | |
Ribes spp. | Currant | Fruit |

VINES | |||
Latin Name | Common Name | Uses | Functions |
Actinidia deliciosa | Kiwifruit | Fruit | |
Akebia quinata | Akebia | Fruit, shoots | |
Dioscorea japonica | Japanese yam | Tubers, aerial tubers | |
Dioscorea polystachya | Chinese yam | Tubers, aerial tubers | |
Peuraria lobata | Kudzu | Tuber starch | Nitrogen fixation, weed suppression |
Sechium edule | Chayote | Squash, shoots, tubers | |
Vitis vinifera | Grape | Fruit |

Latin Name | Common Name | Uses | Functions |
Allium fistulosum | Welsh onion | Scallions | |
Allium sativum | Garlic | Garlic | |
Allium tuberosum | Chinese leek | Greens | |
Aralia cordata | Udo | Shoots | |
Asparagus officinalis | Asparagus | Shoots | |
Colocasia esculenta | Taro | Tubers | |
Crambe maritima | Sea kale | Leaves, broccolis | |
Cryptotaenia japonica | Honewort | Culinary | |
Dactylis glomerata | Orchardgrass | Weed suppression | |
Lilium spp. | Lilies | Bulbs | |
Medicago sativa | Alfalfa | Nitrogen fixation | |
Mentha spp. | Japanese mint | culinary | |
Panax ginseng | Ginseng | Medicinal | |
Petasites japonicus | Fuki | Stalks | |
Phleum pratense | Timothy grass | Weed suppression | |
Zingiber mioga | Mioga ginger | Shoots | |
Zingiber officinale | Ginger | Spice, shoots |

Latin Name | Common Name | Uses | Functions |
Ipomoea batatas | Sweet potato | Tubers, leaves | Weed suppression |
Medicago spp. | Bur clover | Nitrogen fixation, weed suppression | |
Trifolium pratense | Red clover | Nitrogen fixation | |
Trifolium repens | Ladino clover, white clover | Nitrogen fixation, weed suppression | |
Vicia spp. | Vetches | Nitrogen fixation |

Latin Name | Common Name | Uses | Functions |
Arachis hypogaea | Peanut | Peanuts | Nitrogen fixation, weed suppression |
Brassica napus | Rapeseed | Oilseed | Weed suppression |
Brassica rapa | Turnip | Roots, greens | Weed suppression |
Brassica spp. | Indian mustard | Greens | Weed suppression |
Echinochloa spp. | Japanese barnyard millet | Grain | Weed suppression |
Fagopyrum esculentum | Buckwheat | Grain | Weed suppression |
Glycine max | Soybean | Beans | Nitrogen fixation, weed suppression |
Hordeum vulgare | Barley | Grain | Weed suppression |
Lupinus spp. | Lupine | Nitrogen fixation, weed suppression | |
Melilotus spp. | Sweet clover | Nitrogen fixation | |
Panicum mileaceum | Proso millet | Grain | Weed suppression |
Perilla frutescens | Shiso | Culinary | |
Pisium sativum | Garden pea | Peas | Nitrogen fixation, weed suppression |
Raphanus sativus | Daikon | Roots, greens | Weed suppression |
Setaria italica | Foxtail millet | Grain | Weed suppression |
Trifolium incarnatum | Crimson clover | Nitrogen fixation | |
Trifolium subterraneum | Sub clover | ||
Triticum aestivum | wheat | Grain | Weed suppression |
Vicia faba | Broad bean | Beans | Nitrogen fixation, weed suppression |
Vigna angularis | Adzuki bean | Beans | Nitrogen fixation, weed suppression |
Aster Family crops | Burdock, lettuce, edible chrysanthemum | Greens, roots | |
Brassica Family crops | Chinese cabbage, cabbage, leaf mustard, potherb mustard, black mustard | Greens | |
Carrot Family crops | Carrot, parsley, celery | Culinary, greens, roots | |
Chenopod Family crops | Spinach, chard | Greens | |
Cucurbit Family crops | Watermelon, cucumber, melons, winter squash, bottle gourd, wax melon | Fruit vegetables, some greens | |
Legume Family crops | Kidney bean, asparagus bean, sword bean | Beans | Nitrogen fixation |
Potato Family crops | Tomato, eggplant, potato, peppers, tobacco | Fruit vegetables, tobacco |

[ii] Masanobu Fukuoka, The Natural Way of Farming, 186.
[iii] Masanobu Fukuoka, The Natural Way of Farming, 144.
[iv] Masanobu Fukuoka, The Natural Way of Farming, 186.
[v] Masanobu Fukuoka, The Natural Way of Farming, 144.
[vi] Masanobu Fukuoka, The Natural Way of Farming, 185.
[vii] Masanobu Fukuoka, The Natural Way of Farming, 188.